Sensor technology for connecting invasive medical devices.
New dental device for more effective tooth cleaning and treatment of periodontitis patients.
Europe's first veterinary telemedicine platform. It puts specialist veterinarians and general veterinarians in touch with each other remotely for continuing education via web conferences, and assistance with diagnosis, decision-making and treatment.
L’intelligence augmentée au service de l’humain : RogerVoice permet aux sourds et malentendants de téléphoner.
Axillary thermometer for continuous remote temperature monitoring.
Une plateforme de crowdfunding destinée à fournir un financement participatif.
Unique non-invasive ultrasound therapy for the treatment of calcific aortic stenosis.
Happytal est une solution unique de conciergerie en milieu hospitalier ayant pour but de révolutionner les services hôteliers à l’hôpital.
Services d’assurance pour la santé, les animaux de compagnie, la vie et les véhicules, ainsi que des solutions d’assurance responsabilité civile et des services d’assistance.
Measurement of effort during human tasks for scientific research and/or medical diagnosis.
Revisiter les produits du quotidien pour en proposer des versions véritablement plus saines – alliant équilibre nutritionnel, gourmandise et naturalité – le tout made in France !
ManRos Therapeutics est une start-up de biotechnologie dont la création repose sur des inhibiteurs pharmacologiques de protéines kinases développés par l’unité du CNRS.
Nutrivercell designs, formulates and scientifically develops nutraceuticals based on the polyphenols found in food plants for medical applications.
Site regroupant l’actualité des professionnels de santé.
"We believe that when it comes to seed financing in the healthcare sector, an innovative start-up can effectively benefit from the support of such a specialized investor, as they understand the specificity of our business model much better than generalist business angels or family office and they are more flexible than life science VCs."
"Angels Santé, in addition to other investors, has given Abcely credibility for its project in the eyes of other, more generalist co-investors, less able to appreciate the real challenges that can be encountered by a biotech company in the healthcare field, more specifically in oncology."
"Angel Santé gives you access to a network of professional investors in the healthcare sector who are keen to get involved in your company's development. Beyond financing, you gain access to invaluable skills in a sector of expertise."
The club offers quarterly physical meetings, co-hosted by entrepreneurs themselves. You benefit from their feedback on a specific theme.
Sessions are co-hosted by other speakers (associate corporate members, ecosystem players, etc.) sharing their expertise.
24-30 Boulevard Pasteur – Villa M – 75015 Paris