Choose smart money in health

4 reasons to raise funds with Angels Santé


Access our 150+ expert healthcare investors


Connect to our French and European healthcare ecosystem


Get active support throughout your business development


Connect to our French and European healthcare ecosystem


Become an exclusive member of the Angels Santé Family

How to be selected ?

  • Biotech : votre PoC est au stade pré-clinique invivo/résultats chez le petit animal
  • Medtech : prototype  fonctionnel avec essai probant
  • Digital Health: votre solution est développée et présente un début de traction en B2B (commerciale, pilote, partenariat) ( traction démontrée pour les solutions B2C)

Tick all the boxes ?

Let's check your eligibility.

important to know

The Angels Santé fundraising process takes an average of 3 to 6 months from application to closing. Before applying, make sure you can anticipate this timeframe.

Our selection process


Submit your application on our Dealum platform

1 day
Pre-application eligibility check

According to our investment thesis

2 weeks
Selection committee

A one-hour meeting before validation to pitch

4 to 6 weeks
/1 to 1.5 month
Pitch to our investors

*210 € participation fee per company

8 to 12 weeks
/ 2 to 3 months
Due Diligence

( HR, IP, finance, contracts, négociation …)

4 weeks
1 month
pitch and investment

*4.5% Success fee


Discover our Portfolio Companies

logo MB Therapeutics
MB Therapeutics
, 2025
- Montpellier

an innovative start-up that is transforming the pharmaceutical industry by enabling pharmacies to manufacture personalised medicines using 3D printing

Sirius Neosight
, 2025
- Lyon

Sirius NeoSight is an innovative disruptive technology company for the detection of sub-clinical neo-cancers, relapses and the therapeutic follow-up of patients.

, 2019
- Paris

Primaa has developed an artificial intelligence capable of diagnosing different types of cancer based on biological samples taken from patients.

HuntX Pharma
, 2024
- Grenoble

HuntX Pharma is developing small oral molecules to prevent the onset of genetic neurodegenerative diseases.

Hephaistos Pharma
, 2023
- Paris

Hephaistos-Pharma is developing a new generation of immunostimulant to treat metastatic and hardly accessible tumors

Alga Therapeutics
, 2023
- Rouen

Alga Therpeutics produces cancer-fighting antibodies from micro-algae.