The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: An Overview (EN)

The European Union’s groundbreaking AI legislation, known as the EU Artificial Intelligence Act, is a comprehensive regulatory framework designed to govern the use and development of artificial intelligence technology. This article explores its significance and implications for some healthcare stakeholders.

Mastering Diversification in Angel Investing or the art of building a Portfolio (EN)

Are you ready to embark on a rewarding journey as a Business Angel? How exciting to give your resources, time, and expertise back to the community.

Your entry into the world of angel investing promises to be a thrilling adventure. However, before you take the plunge, remember a crucial piece of advice: always approach it with your exit strategy in mind. In this article, we will explore the art of constructing a diversified angel portfolio to maximise your chances of success.

Tips on a great fundraising presentation deck for startups (EN)

A startup presentation deck is an essential document used to convince potential investors to invest in a startup. It is a concise and engaging presentation that summarises key information about the startup, its business model, team, target market, products or services, growth strategy and funding requirements.

Lost in your ABC & the importance of naming your fundraising round (EN)

Like any industry, the startup investment world has its very own lexicon that one must master to appear as a seasoned CEO, even if you’re not.

As equity fundraising will be a common, regular staple in the life of all emerging entrepreneurs, so might as well get the hang of naming your rounds correctly to avoid confusion. As we are specialized in early-stage healthcare fundraising, we’ll focus specifically on healthcare startups raising their first rounds.

Gender Health Gap – is that a thing ? (EN)

Today is the International Women’s Day – many men might ask why there isn’t more marketing around the International Men’s day? Both are important Global Awareness day about specific gender issues.

So Gentlemen, we’ll be back to discuss specific male issues on November 19 th but in the meantime let me focus on the female health gap.

Reasons Investors give to say NO! (EN)

VCs on average invest in less than 1 % of the dealflow they are introduced to. As such, it is inevitable that they, more often than not, turn down your offer to invest in your company after spending an average of 30 seconds on each of your slides.

The Therapeutic pathway to an easier Fundraising : Tip 2 (EN)

It’s Friday afternoon, and the sand has settled after a whirlwind of startups pitches, investor meetings and workshops on this very theme. It is now time to reflect on questions raised and a good opportunity to go back to my tip “Should fundraising be painful” with its very first advice of having a powerful opening.